Kiddush Sponsorship
Kiddush Sponsorship
The shul has a few volunteers who have agreed to prepare small Kiddushim for events such as Siyumim, Yahrzeits and other small simchas. They are not professional caterers and for larger events of approximately 20 outside guests or more we recommend that you speak with a shul approved caterer.
For a catered Kiddush there will be a $250 room fee payable to the shul prior to the event and you primarily, and the caterer secondarily, will be responsible to return the shul into its original condition.
A Shul Kiddush, set up by the shul, is available at cost for Full members in good standing. Please request through Ari Klein,, no later than the prior Monday and make payment no later than the prior Wednesday via check to shul or shul’s website. The cost of a standard Kiddush is $600 (subject to change based up cost and with additional cost if more food is ordered for outside guests) and includes:
- potato kugel
- cholent
- assorted cakes
- Soda
- Basic plates, forks, cups, tablecloths, serving spoons
Liquor, if desired, to be provided by sponsor.
You may also wish to upgrade with nicer papergoods/tablecloths but you are responsible for purchasing and notifying the Ari Klein by Wednesday before the Kiddush.
No home baked goods are allowed. Sealed packages from Kosher Konnection, Aisle One, and The Linen Shop, are allowed. Please consult with Rabbi Weinberger for any other stores/hechsherim or if you are hiring a caterer outside the few who have been used regularly in the shul (Portnoy, Main Ingredient, King of Delancey, Aisle One).
An email announcing the event/sponsorship will go out on Friday, prior to Shabbos. Please provide the information to include in the announcement to by Thursday of the week of the event.
Thu, March 13 2025
13 Adar 5785
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