Adopt A Kollel
Adopt A Kollel
Gabboim: Jonny Ehrman and Dovid Kaplan
When you join the Shul in our adopting this Kollel, not only do you have a part in sustaining Torah in Eretz Yisroel and giving chizuk to the Rosh Kollel and Yungeleit, you literally help families put food on their tables.
While the recommended monthly donation is $36, there is flexibility around that. You can contribute more if you are able or less if necessary. The typical commitment is for 12 months. Similarly if you prefer to participate with a quarterly or annual donation or a one-time donation, those are welcome too.
In the merit of your Hachzakas Torah and Tzedaka, may you and your family see only success, good health, and happiness in all you do.
Quick Facts About The Kollel
- Name and Location of Kollel: Kollel Mkor Baruch, Rechov Sdei Chemed 13, Modiin Illit (Kiryat Sefer).
- Rosh Kollel: Harav Meir Zait, 15 years Rosh Kollel: Prior to that he was a Rosh Kollel in Tel Aviv and also a Rosh Yeshiva in Bnei Brak, Yeshivas Bais Dovid.
- Yungeliet: approximately 20 young men, late 20s
- Current limud: This winter zman (2022/203) the kollel is learning Bava Kamah. Many of the yungelite have already recieved semicha
- Financials: Annual budget is approximately $180,000 (700,000 shekel). Recent government cuts were $36,000/year (20%). These cuts and more recently rising inflation has put a strain on their budget and the yungelite.
- Publications: The kollel publishes Kovetz Bikurei Anovim a periodic collection of chidushei torah on the mesachta they are learning.
- How did we we pick this kollel? The Gross family has known the Rosh Kollel for 15 years and named the kollel. This is a top tier kollel and Rav Chaim Kanievsky zt’l and Rav Steinman zt’l have both joined in their siyumim.
- Interaction/Visits: R’ Zayit visits the shul intermittently (his most recent visit was Nov 2022) and occasionally shares printed divrei torah and videos of chizuk with the kehilla. R’ Zayit encourages shul mispallelim (or their children studying/learning in Eretz Yisroel) to visit the Kollel when in Eretz Yisroel. R’ Zayit also encourages mispallelim to be in touch, especially if they would like the Kollel to have a specific individual or choleh in mind in their tefilos. R’ Zayit’s contact information is available from the gabboim.
Thu, March 13 2025
13 Adar 5785
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